Hypnosis for Weight Control
Hypnosis for weight control
Shedding weight by using hypnosis
Reducing weight with hypnosis is where you have a session of hypnotherapy designed specifically to help you replace the habits that have ended in unwanted weight gain. You enthusiastically throw yourself at each and every promising diet you find out about, you shed the pounds fast, but gradually the pounds creep back on. Many people worldwide struggle with their weight every single day.
There are lots of us happily throwing money at every new fad diet out there, desperately seeking to achieve the weight loss promised alongside the glossy images and recipes. So why is it you don’t ever see these so called ‘success stories’ years after they have shed so much on these weight loss diets? Do you know why there is not a diet plan everyone ‘swears by’? It’s simply because none of these fads, diet regimes or promises of a ‘new you’ deal with what’s really going on a deeper level.
This is because no diet regime or diet plans contend with the deeper issues that have caused you to gain weight.
So what exactly is the deeper issue that has caused you to overeat? So what could be happening in our heads to make us eat more than we ought to? When we are younger we can pick up some undesirable habits that stay with us through to adult life. Clearing our plates is something we are all told we ought to do, otherwise we are ‘wasting’ food given to us.
We’re all at the mercy of fast food advertising all around us, in some instances even when we don’t realise it’s there. Sometimes companies include subliminal communications on harmless looking billboards and product placement is common on the telly and in films today.
There’s even a shared feeling of being ‘naughty’ if we have an unhealthy food and a typical attitude of us all deserving a treat ‘every now and then’. All or none of these scenarios may be relevant to you personally, but they are just a few the things we may have been faced with in our life that can contribute to weight issues.
A lot of people have success with exercise and dieting, in fact a lot of people have never struggled because of their weight. Good for them. Even so, many of us need a little help on the way.
Good intentions and strength of will can help, but sometimes they are simply not enough. Put simply, conscious determination is rarely enough to deal with the numerous deep seated problems pertaining to excess weight. These problems can be dealt with utilising hypnotherapy.
For anyone who is suitable for a weight management specific hypnosis session, you will probably not only recognise the difficulties causing you to gain pounds, but to learn to manage them long term. Hypnotherapy changes the underlying behaviour patterns that support your weight issue where the problem lies.
So rather than staying on the endless weight yo yo of diets, a hypnotic approach might allow you to gain powerful power over your mind and therefore your eating habits. It will involve a modification of lifestyle as well, however, this is much less of an uphill fight when you have increased mind power so you can succeed.
Meirion Ellis from Oswestry Hypnotherapy Centre, an expert hypnotherapist who has an interest in weight loss, said “Because diets go against what your mind wants to do, they are very rarely sustainable, and hypnosis changes the mind’s programming to a more desirable outcome regarding weight and eating etc.”
Meirion Ellis is an experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner based in Oswestry, Shropshire. Clients travel from all over the UK as well as from the local catchment area of Shropshire, Cheshire, North Wales and Powys.