Hypnotherapy Training Courses
For those wanting to become a Hypnotherapist we offer Diploma Courses to start you on your journey. We run the N.W.H.A. (North Wales Hypnotherapy Academy) which is a N.C.H. (National Council for Hypnotherapy) Accredited Training School and offer the H.P.D. (Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma). This qualification, the Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma (HPD) is the flagship and recognised gold standard of hypnotherapy qualifications in the UK today. The HPD is administered by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) and is externally verified by the NCFE. The NCFE accreditation gives assurance that the content of the training course is of a high standard and meets the rigorous requirements of a national awarding organisation.
The Hypnotherapy in Practice Diploma offered by the North Wales Hypnotherapy Academy has been assessed and accredited at Practitioner Level by the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (UK). Graduates from this course are eligible for professional registration with the General Hypnotherapy Register (the GHSC’s Registering Agency) at full Practitioner status, together with the industry-based award – General Qualification in Hypnotherapy Practice (GQHP). Please use the button below to navigate to our training website.