Online Hypnotherapy Sessions
Do Online Hypnotherapy sessions work ?
Yes, Online Hypnotherapy and Coaching sessions do work ! They sometimes work better than conventional face to face sessions, as the client is in their own comfortable and familiar environment. Many people these days have experience of some sort of video conferencing, Facetime, Messenger, WhatsApp etc. and even if you don’t the process is very easy. Fast internet connectivity and superb video conferencing software, have made online therapy sessions extremely useful, and a very important part of the work that we are able to do to help our clients. The current Covid-19 pandemic has also made online sessions even more important to help keep our clients supported.
Is Online Hypnotherapy safe ?
Yes Online Hypnotherapy is safe, and as with conventional face to face sessions, you cannot get “stuck” in hypnosis. Prior to the session, we make sure you are completely happy about the process, and have all the resources you need in place to be comfortable and safe during the session.
What equipment do I need ?
Firstly you need internet access, which can be broadband or a decent 4G data connection. A desktop PC, laptop, tablet or phone can be suitable, and if using a PC, external webcam and microphone are required. Headphones or earphones can be useful and eliminate any feedback that may occur. Connecting to the software is really easy, with Zoom if you don’t have it already, just download the free software, and no login is required. With EyesOn just paste the supplied link into your web browser and your on ! Full instructions are supplied prior to the sessions.
What happens next ?
Firstly we would suggest a free initial online consultation, as this will help you become more familiar with the process, and pinpoint any technical issues that may need to be sorted before the main session. Also, therapeutically the consultation is a chance for you to ask questions, and find out more about the therapy or techniques we are going to be using. We have a choice of two packages of video conferencing software to use, which are ZOOM and EyesOn. Both of these are very good, and EyesOn works well on slower internet connections, as well as only requiring a click on a link in a web browser to get going. Both suites of software are completely secure and conform to G.D.P.R .(General Data Protection Regulation) requirements.
What the client has to do before the session ?
For the online work to be successful there are a few things the client has to have in place in readiness for the session. Most of these are common sense, but very important for the desired outcome. There is a summary of this list elsewhere on this page. You will receive an email showing these requirements and the joining link details well before the session.
The cost and payment methods
The cost of an online session is a little less than a face to face session, not because it is less useful, but as there are usually less overheads involved. The initial consultation of 20 minutes or so is FREE, and extremely useful, so please take advantage of this. A regular face to face therapy session is £60, and a single online therapy or coaching session of about an hour in length is £50. Those who qualify for concessions or prepay for multiple sessions pay £40 per session. Please pay for sessions using the methods listed below prior to your session.
Just to Summarise
Online Hypnotherapy and Coaching sessions are easy, safe and convenient, working from the comfort of your own home, sessions are private and confidential. There are no geographical restrictions, travel or parking issues to stress you out before we start. Covid-19 pandemic aside, online therapy will become more popular in the future, and of course there will always be the need for traditional face to face appointments.
If you would like more information, or to have a chat about Online Hypnotherapy and Coaching Sessions, please contact us via any of the methods on the contact page.
Both ZOOM and EyesOn Video Conferencing software that we use are completely secure and conform to G.D.P.R .(General Data Protection Regulation) requirements.

Some requirements for successful Online Hypnotherapy
For an Online Hypnotherapy or Coaching session to run successfully there are a few things that have to be put in place beforehand. Luckily the therapist has to do most of this, but there are a few very important things the client has to do in readiness for the session. I will split the following overview into five parts, and as the client, you will receive a more detailed version of this before the session.
Part One
Firstly check that the camera and sound of the equipment that you plan on using is working. Test it with whatever application you have, for example, Facetime, WhatsApp, Messenger etc.
Part Two
Make sure the room you are using is private and you are not likely to be disturbed, maybe put a sign up if you have to ! Disconnect or switch off any landline that might disturb the session and turn mobile phones on silent.
Part Three
Make sure you have a comfortable seat, and a place where you can position your device, so you don’t have to hold it and the camera capture’s the top half of your body. Sitting and not lying down is important, as you are less likely to fall asleep !
Part Four
If the device you are using for the session has any software running that might hijack the session, turn them off or log out. Any communications app such as Facebook, WhatsApp etc.can interrupt the session with alerts, as well as programs and apps running in the background eating up available bandwidth. On PC’s and laptops turn off automatic updates.
Part Five
Please pay before the session, as we don’t want to use up our valuable session time with other tasks. So as you can seen there are a few things to think about, to make the online session as successful as it can be. If we can fine tune and set up the things we can control, then there is less chance of a problem occurring.
If the internet fails, which is the worse case scenario, you will know what to do, as that is part of our preparation prior to the session starting. The good news is that most of the time everything goes perfectly, so sit back and enjoy.
The cost of an Online Session ?

A Standard Session is approximately 1 hour long. The typical number of sessions required are three or four.
Please use the Paypal link below to pay by Debit/Credit Card or Paypal.

This a typical Online Session which lasts approximately one hour.
Payment is due before the session. Please use the Paypal link below to pay by Debit/Credit Card or Paypal.

This a reduced price Online Session which lasts approximately one hour.
Payment is due before the session. Please use the Paypal link below to pay by Debit/Credit Card or Paypal.