What exactly is Clinical Hypnosis ?
What exactly is Clinical Hypnosis ?
What does the term Clinical Hypnotherapy mean?
Clinical hypnotherapy is the utilisation of therapy while the client is in hypnosis, to treat specific mental health issues or symptoms. Clinical hypnosis only works if the client’s focus is turned inward so they become more self-aware. This is for the most part achieved by relaxing the customer as far as possible. While in this hypnotic state, the client has the capacity to access information and resources which are thought to reside in the subconscious.
What the majority of people will not realise is that hypnosis is part of daily life.
With the use of a skilled hypnotherapist, it’s possible to implement the hypnotic state to create deep and lasting changes to ideas, feelings and habits.
Clinical hypnosis is a term used to describe advanced methods of hypnosis, which can be used to treat a range of physical or mental health issues, such as arthritic pain, panic and anxiety, or even problem behaviours like smoking and weight loss.
Clinical hypnosis is a solution based treatment which you can use alongside other therapies to produce changes and relieve problems. Other treatments that work well with hypnotherapy are cognitive, psychological and behavioural therapies. We can make use of the information we have about the situation and the knowledge of how hypnosis works together with the mind to build permanent change.
There are several reasons why people decide to have hypnotherapy, approaches for a problem and the techniques used can depend on the presenting issue and its origin. To illustrate, to gain an insight into a problem that has originated from past events analytical methods are sometimes used, however suggestion therapy maybe more appropriate in other circumstances. Now and then, the individual finds it too hard to relive ordeals from the past. A seasoned clinical hypnotherapist is hence trained to be flexible in their solution.
Whichever form of clinical hypnotherapy is used, the individual can remain in control at all times, having the ability to hear exactly what is said. A peaceful comfortable environment is a very necessary factor in creating effective change with hypnosis.
The number of issues that can be treated by hypnotherapy is vast and varied. Smoking cigarettes, drinking, grief, self-worth, phobias, relationship problems, anxiety, insomnia and numerous other negative habits and problems can be helped. Clinical hypnotherapeutic strategies are believed to be successful in treating a substantial percentage of people with the issues specified above.
Combining all the more effective treatment methods makes clinical hypnotherapy approaches exceptionally powerful.
Meirion Ellis, a highly experienced hypnotherapist, who practices from the Hypnotherapy Centre in Oswestry, explained, “Clinical Hypnotherapy can help with so many issues and help people to make changes in a powerful and permanent way. There are so many aspects we can help with, from working with the medical profession helping with IBS, Pain Control and Hypertension, to fears, phobias, stress and anxiety to name just a few.”
Meirion Ellis – Clinical Hypnotherapist