About your Therapist ...
Hello ....... Call me for a chat about how I may be able to help you.
If you get my voicemail just leave a quick message, and I will get back to you.
If you prefer you can send an email by using the contact form.
Telephone numbers are 01691 333 321 or 07434 033 534
Best Regards, Meirion
We offer the following Services ...

Initial consultation is Free of charge
We offer a free initial consultation of around 20 minutes. This is an opportunity to find out more, and ask questions before deciding if it is right for you. This consultation can be by phone, Skype, Zoom or face to face in person at the Hypnotherapy Centre. Please contact us to make an appointment for a no obligation meeting to find out more about how we can help you.

Hypnosis is a natural way to make permanent changes
Hypnotherapy can help make powerful changes and usually very quickly. Hypnosis helps us access the unconscious part of the mind and re-program the brain to experience or do things differently. Most people are surprised at the range of conditions it can help with, as well as the rapid changes for the better that can take place.

N.L.P. ( Neuro Linguistic Programming )
N.L.P. is a system that was created in the 1970’s by modelling therapists who were excellent in their field. This modelling created techniques that could reproduce the success of these brilliant therapists. N.L.P. is one of the core techniques used in coaching as well as hypnotherapy. N.L.P. is also a stand alone technique, and can help with performance increase and many aspects of change work.

Performance Coaching
Performance coaching covers so many subjects, and all top athletes and sports people benefit from tuning the mind as well as the body. It may be you just want to feel more confident and become better at an activity, for example public speaking. In a nutshell it’s about setting goals and creating a plan to achieve them. N.L.P. techniques feature very much in helping to achieve success in coaching.

Hypnotherapy Training
Do you fancy a change of career, or would you like to learn more about hypnotherapy and hypnosis ? Our training school runs Hypnotherapy Diploma Courses. We are a registered training establishment, offering the UK’s only externally verified qualification, the HPD. Our courses are accredited by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) and the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR). See our training website or contact us for more details.

Hypnotherapy Supervision
Meirion Ellis is a qualified Hypnotherapy Supervisor, trained and accredited by the National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH), and recognised by the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR). Meirion offers Supervision for all hypnotherapists whatever their level of experience. Supervision sessions can be via phone, Skype or Zoom or face to face, and also group sessions. Please contact us to find out more.